We are engaged in changing the way the South Kingstown town and school administration keeps us -- the members of the South Kingstown community -- aware of their activities. We believe that with awareness will come participation. This blog is a record of ideas and communications.
Today I received an email from a wiki at PBWiki containing information about all the documents at the wiki that were changed yesterday. The information includes not only the list of changed documents but also a visual indication of the changes to those documents. I can't share the actual email but in image to the left you can see each changed page is given its own blue section in the email. The blue section contains the page's content (or a portion of the content) with deletions marked in red and additions marked in green.
This kind of document change visualization is commonly used in software development organizations for reviewing changes to all manner of document kinds. We should expect the same from our government when reviewing the drafts and final copy of legislation, zoning changes, etc.
The Versioning on Paper video is a enlightening and frightening example of what needs to be done today to track document changes.
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